Features & Benefits
Software-as-a-service (SaaS):
Needs no installation, additional hardware or in-house IT staff to set-up and maintain
Secure and web-accessible enabling anywhere, anytime access
Your data ownership is never relinquished
Multi-level, multi-user platform for comprehensive data collection and reporting:
Saves time and effort
Eliminates unwieldy, hard-to-manage spreadsheets or legacy systems
Stops repetitive requests
Supports any number of data views for analysis, reporting and fulfillment of stakeholder requests
Enables and empowers administrators and association staff to input data and employ their data when and where they need it
Provides performance data view for the entire association
Eliminates process delays between data collection, reporting and analyses
Data checks, validation and annotations:
Have confidence in the accuracy of the data complete with explanation and context
Monitor and manage the status of data capture/approvals:
Keeps data current and complete
Enables a culture of responsibility and accountability
Infuses confidence in the data
Supports on-board definitions and instructions (knowledge management):
Reduces confusion, interpretation errors, and support requests
Mitigates ongoing members’ and association staff turnover training cost
Manage data views and access privileges:
Aligns responsibility and authority by tailoring, sharing or restricting data views and access as needed
Protects sensitive information
Robust report capabilities:
Effectively satisfy stakeholder requests with any combination of data views
Quickly visualize the data and key performance indicators
Easily produce trend and peer benchmarking reports
Efficiently merge data and customize views in Excel and PDF for sharing and publishing
Leverage 3rd party resources with export or linked data views (e.g., SPSS, Tableau, etc.)
Better inform decision making and advocacy efforts
Enable any number of users to utilize the data in fulfillment of their functions and responsibilities
Reduce any ongoing or one-off research/consulting costs
Report Once and Auto-Reuse (ROAR):
automatically re-use comparable data in the
production of reportsminimizes staff reporting burden
greatly reduces the “finishing one report just in time to start the next one” syndrome
improves data integrity by reducing the amount of
keystroking (where most errors occur)
Supports existing or new data workflows:
Easily adapts to changing data requirements, while maintaining historical data
Custom Portal:
Guides and directs users to efficiently and effectively complete tasks within the scope of their roles and authorities
Emulates an organization’s look and feel to convey ownership and foster buy-in
Additional subscription options:
Accreditation management
Certification Management
Directory Management
Direct member support, training/orientation
Set-up support for existing data conversions and/or new data workflows